Your newborn has just turned 1 month old & it’s time for him/her to get vaccinated. Certainly, vaccination for babies especially newborns is crucial for them to grow & fight against the tough distresses from the environment. Here, environment means every factor affecting their health outside the womb. Undoubtedly, the vulnerability of babies has been discussed earlier in the article about Newborn Infections. For the fact, that babies are prone to external harm & their body consumes time to adjust to it.
So, vaccines come up as an important endowment that helps them become defensive towards these distresses. With the developing stages, babies are each time vaccinated with some or other required medications. For the fact, that the paediatrics will automatically ask you to come timely for required vaccination & you don’t have to worry about when to go. But, there are some questions that parents generally wonder about immunizations, which are answered below.

Frequently Asked Questions about Baby Vaccination/FAQ-
While vaccinations are necessary for infants & toddlers- you might encounter many constant apprehensions related to them. So, here are some top queries that parents often scout to get answered with. But, not to forget- always keep in mind the doctor’s suggestions.
Are vaccinations safe for babies?-
Yes, vaccinations are meant for babies & specifically made for them to be able to fight diseases well. Indeed, they are meant to protect newborns from infection & sickness that might cause them long-term permanent illness.
What are the side effects of vaccination in babies?-
Generally, vaccinations don’t possess extreme side effects & are entirely normal for babies. However, the child might suffer a little bit of lethargy, mild fever, and pain in the immunized area. In addition, the doctor will inform you about the mild side effects & their time period of enduring.
What are the benefits & Importance of Vaccination for Babies?-
Certainly, timely immunizations guard the little ones against serious ailments such as polio, brain swelling, blindness, measles, disability, hollering cough, and more. Thus, following the routine for regular immunizations is a must. Undoubtedly, these boosters provide infants with the required amount of antibodies & increase their immunity to fight against illness.
Which Vaccinations are given to babies?-
Vaccinations in India for babies vary according to their growing age. For instance, a 1 to 2-month-old will be encountered with some immunization & 3 to 4 months old with another. Basically, the paediatrics will inform & call you according to the determined schedule.
Can my baby get vaccinated when he/she is sick?-
Yes, babies with usual health aches can get vaccinated. However, if they have any serious symptoms of illness or you are not willing to get them vaccinated even with mild signs then consulting the doctor is necessary.
Do breastfeeding babies need vaccination?-
Yes, breastfeeding infants too need vaccinations as breastmilk entirely doesn’t safeguard against all illnesses. The fact cannot be denied that breast milk contains antibodies. But, immunizations boost them additionally to give the right provides.
Do premature babies need vaccinations?-
Premature babies are even more prone to catch serious infections & ailments. Thus, it becomes highly essential for them to get vaccinated timely as the doctor prescribes. Indeed, routine immunizations boost the insusceptibility of premature babies to battle against diseases.
Till what age do babies need vaccinations?-
Certainly, from the infant stage to at least 6 years of age, children need immunizations for major diseases that they catch during this period. However, the growth time may vary for kids according to their growth cues, birth features, and developmental stages and so are their booster sessions.

IMPORTANT TIP– For every vaccination or immunization session, the paediatrician knows best through their medical expertise. Whether, you have any particular question or is it about a general enquiry, asking them is essential to avoid any harmful consequences.
To The Bottom Line-
Vaccinations are crucial for every growing baby. Certainly, which one they should have & which one they should avoid are the question that can only be answered well by the doctor. Every infant grows differently from the other which is why standardizing immunizations can be a little stressful. So, visit or take advice from the doctor for any doubtful situation. And yes, be ready for the soft cries after vaccination.
Happy Vaccinating!