Tired of Feeding Your Baby? Start Led-Weaning Your Kid

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Filling the little tummy is a task! But what if your baby enjoys eating food & develops a habit of eating new foods by himself? Surprising, but the question comes- When to start led-weaning a kid? How to start baby-led-weaning after purees? Well! As a momma- the biggest concern is to feed the little mouth most appropriately & nothing should go unhealthy. So, the nutrition part is the never-ending tail that takes up most of the brainstorming.

Now, your newborn within the blink of an eye has turned 6 months old. Thus, it’s time for them to start on soft finger foods or begin with led-weaning. But, what can they eat? Is led-weaning about feeding them with purees? Wait, Mommas! All your apprehensions about led-weaning are answered here. So, till the time you are feeding yourself some fresh fruits, you can have a tour of this article alongside.

What is Baby Led-Weaning? What is the right age for baby-led-weaning?-

Baby-led-weaning is the process of a calm & composed time of babies feeding themselves with soft solids. Indeed, this whole period, the child is trying to eat with their own hands & explore many things about food. Also, for this approach, you need to leave the picking & eating process on their own.

Learning to eat food by themselves makes little ones explore the world of food. Indeed, the right age for baby-led-weaning is at 6 months. Certainly, the reason why six months is the right age is that till this time a child learns to sit unsupported. Moreover, at this stage- they are able to have a grip on things & are capable to pick & bring things to mouth.

Advantages of Baby Led-Weaning-

A baby while eating with his own hands adds more value to the growth & development. Thus, he/she benefits as-

  • Develops hand-eye-coordination
  • Introduces new textures & colors
  • Familiarizes with different & new flavors
  • Motor skills development, etc.

Know-Hows of Baby Led-Weaning-

Nothing comes easy in parenting & so is baby-led weaning. So, what can you serve for baby-led-weaning? Well! The child is just shifting from breastmilk to solids so be gentle to their hands & gums. Thus, anything you give them should be soft enough to be handled with those tiny fingers & easy on their new gums. For instance, you can offer your baby avocadoes, soft-boiled eggs, boiled carrots, softened broccoli, etc.

What should be the Size of Baby Food for 6 Months Old-?

For a six-month-old whom you are about to start with led-weaning, try giving them small-cut fruits or boiled vegetables. Ideally, the size should be that of a little finger or even tinier than that. Also, you can plate some naturally softened fruits like kiwi, chikoo, banana, mango, etc.

Baby-Led Weaning & Fear of Choking-

While you start your child with self-eating & that too with finger foods, the constant fear about their health is of choking. Thus, for this reason, it is always suggested to give softened or boiled foods in small-cut sizes. Further, trying with purees & a generous spoon of puree-feeding is essential before introducing soft solids. Also, be present near to the little ones & don’t panic in any case of unpredictability. 

Will my baby be full with the led-weaning technique?-

No, you can’t fully leave your child on led-weaning for all the meals & for the entire time he/she is eating something. Initially, they won’t even respond moderately to the led-weaning techniques. Also, it will take a lot of time for babies to manage little bites on their own. So, expecting them to fill the little tummy entirely by themselves in one go is a not-to-do task. So, side-by-side relying on formula or breast milk is essential. As baby-led-weaning is a slow process & they need time to master it.  

Does my baby need teeth for baby-led-weaning?-

Well! You don’t know the power of those new pink gums. Certainly, they are strong enough to mince the soft food items & babies don’t require teeth initially for such a gentle type of meal.

IMPORTANT TIP(s)- If your baby isn’t liking any food or is not reacting positively with his body to certain edibles, then it is essential to consult pediatrics for food reactions or allergies if any. Also, babies are different in their growth terms, so it is not essential for your child to sit unsupported or start having finger foods at 6 months. Take prior suggestions to the pediatrician before beginning led-weaning.

To The Bottom Line –

Starting the child with led-weaning as soon as they turn 6 months old is the beginning that marks them developing as a self-independent baby. Indeed, the growth process for babies is wide & you need to be always patient with them for things, especially food. Always remember to be not forceful towards filling mouths & stomachs. Be gentle with their evolution phases & let them explore the outside world their way.

Happy & Safe Feeding!

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