Why You Need to Avoid Medicines during Pregnancy!

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Are you just about to take a spoonful of that regular syrup for the cough you’ve been having for a day? Wait, Stop! Actually, you need to avoid medicines during pregnancy. Certainly, you aren’t allowed to do that as anything you put in your mouth isn’t just meant for your health during this time. Rather, it affects the little life growing inside you, so be careful about whatever dose you are having.

For the fact, that females who smoke or have an alcohol intake, skip it all when they find they are pregnant. Now, what about the general medications you have been taking on? Are they just reacting to your body or are expanded towards the little one’s life? Just like the food you’re eating is impacting your baby, similarly, the drug or medication intake leaves a negative health influence on the baby. To be upfront, any normal or usual medicines that you have been consuming lately aren’t meant for your prenatal period. Even, regular cough drops, fever tablets, painkillers, or anything. Now, the questions pop up- why aren’t you allowed to have medicines during pregnancy? How can you take medicines when required in any case?

Prescription-Based Medicine/OTC/Street Drugs: What to avoid?-

The first and foremost thing to remember is to not take any kind of illegal/street drugs that can severely cause harm to the budding life. Also, if you have recently quit on them and then talking to your doctor & informing them about every little detail is necessary.

Next in the lane, comes OTC or over-the-counter medicines that we generally end up buying without a prescription from the drug/medical store. Just as mentioned-above the regular medicines should be strictly avoided by pregnant mothers. Further, you can take it only if the doctor prescribes you for pregnancy.

In addition, if you might be having some health issues or problems previous to pregnancy & would be following the medicines as prescribed. Now, that you are pregnant you should talk to your OB-Gynec, informing them about previous health issues with the existing prescription & also new health distresses, if any. Also, your pregnancy condition might worsen your previous health issues (if any) which is why it becomes essential to take suggestions from the doctor.  

Why aren’t medicines safe for moms during pregnancy? Reasons to Avoid Medicines in the Prenatal-

What you eat or have passed through your baby in pregnancy. Indeed, whether it is alcohol intake, smoking, or even incorporating medicines without a doctor’s recommendation can affect the budding life inside the womb severely. Illegal drug intake can cause extreme health concerns like stillbirth, birth defects, low birth rates, and many more brutalities. Similarly, these medicines too are unsafe for the unborn baby.

However, it is not entirely the case that every medicine causes some harm to you & your child. But, taking your doctor’s advice charges just a minute. Moreover, every pregnancy differs from the others which is why your doctor knows your health the best. Indeed, they can wisely recommend what to eat & what to avoid during pregnancy even if it’s about medicines. So, to the basics or highlighting the effects medications can cause health difficulties.

  • Taking medicines without a doctor’s prescription can harm your current pregnancy situation.
  • They can even impact the baby if reach an extreme extent.
  • They can to a great degree cross the placenta or even affect a baby’s growth in the womb.
  • Medications without a doctor can cause premature birth, stillbirth, infant death, miscarriage, loss of pregnancy, disabilities, and many more.

IMPORTANT TIP- Nobody knows your pregnancy to the nerves like your doctor. So, taking up anything blindly might affect them destructively. Hence, always consult your OB-Gynec before putting any tablet in your mouth.

To The Bottom Line-

Be it your prescribed medications before pregnancy, street/illegal drugs, or some OTC medications- everything touches you & the little one. Thus, taking an expert’s advice, especially from your OB-Gynec will help you on choosing what’s right & what to avoid medically. Simply, pregnancy isn’t as simple as it seems just growing the bump every month. Rather, dealing with health issues & being careful about medicines is a considerate thing for moms-to-be. But, then every pain will calm down once you see your little heart in your lap.

Happy & Safe Maternity!

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