Mommas, Your Postnatal Body Might Not Be The Same!

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Giving birth is not easy; after all, it brings life into the world; how can it be simple? When a woman decides to take a step towards motherhood, she has to mingle with the fact that there will be many changes, and some will stay for a while while others will remain for life. 

A prominent change is stretch marks. Wait, they should be called strength marks because unless you have been through them, an understanding of the pain is impossible! 

What Is the postnatal body like? What changes? What can be reversed, and what is permanent? Let’s answer all of your queries!

I Still Look Pregnant!

The TV dramas that show the flat belly right after delivering the baby are probably bluffing you. No, you aren’t required to return to your pre-pregnancy body precisely the next day you have given birth.

Lately, there have been many societal issues where celebrities’ post-bodies are trending, and that’s when they set the expectations. But why? Can you see those scars hidden in those pictures? Why is it that we are culturally so obsessed with postpartum bodies? 

Ladies, you cannot cut down the calories; you need more food to feed your baby. Thus, your body will look this way, and it is only in time that everything will settle!

Why is my core feeling weak?

Because you have just delivered a baby that your core carried for nine long months

 How can you have such high expectations from your body that it would do so much without getting affected?

It’s so important to understand that your abdominal muscles are like any other muscle in the body. Unfortunately, the weight stress and muscle stretching to accommodate the baby’s growth in the past nine months has led to muscle shrinkage, but, relax, with time and focus, it heals!

The point here is you needn’t pull so many expectations from your body; after all, it has done so much for you and your baby; it’s time you honor it and give it the time and indulgence of self-care to let it heal.

Why is my pelvic floor feeling so stressed?

Your pelvic floor holds so much of your baby’s weight and keeps the balance. The entire area from the core to the pelvic floor would see the effects coming first and most strongly. The post-pregnancy body trauma hits these two places first. 

When you exert so much pressure and weight for five months on one area, how will it return to normal once the weight and stress are released? 

Instead, once the weight is released, you will find that the area has lost its tensile ability to an extent, but it will restore with time when given the suitable healing space. 

My vagina has drastically changed. Will it be this way?

In the case of vaginal delivery, there are many noticeable changes in the vagina. The pre-birth and post-birth vaginas have a lot of differences. From vaginal laxity, dryness, soreness, and marks to more, your vagina would look much different. The stitches post a vaginal delivery are also evident. Give yourself and your body some time to heal, and everything will be fine. 

How to recover strength after delivery?

After you have given birth, there’s not just your body for you to put your entire focus on. Besides that, there are so many things you are now responsible for! From your baby, the whole routine change adjustment to your body; the list is quite long.

The key to getting back on track is consistency; yes, it’s here too! And how do you become consistent?

When you take small steps

 Here’s a little guide on how you can start again to gain the lost strength back.

Take Your Vitamins Regularly

The multivitamin tablets you used to take should be continued. Your body needs them even more now. Consult your doctor once, and then continue taking health supplements as per suggestion.

Start with lighter movements and build over time.

In terms of exercises, start with smaller steps. For example, engage yourself in brisk walking first and then join a postpartum yoga or some other health program as per your understanding later.

Have rich and nutrient-dense meals.

Food is just the most important part. It’s important for you and your baby because you have to breastfeed him or her. A clean diet is one way to gain the lost strength back.

On the journey of motherhood, there would be many changes, losses, gains, and a lot more. But, everything is just a matter of time and consistency; it’s a phase, and the perks and pains of of this phase are all yours. 

Happy reading!

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