World Breastfeeding Week- Breastfeeding a Boon for Mothers!

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1st to 7th Aug’23- it’s the most precious week of the year for moms- World Breastfeeding Week! Females only have the strength to nurture, feed, and nourish a little life. Not only does this breastfed process boosts the baby’s health but simultaneously encourages mothers to be healthier. Fortunately, the very first feed that mom offers to the baby benefits her as well.

No doubt, that a female is reborn into a mother when she gives birth to a baby. Simply, having the power of building a new life, nourishing it, and feeding them with the very first foods that are the foundation for their healthier life ahead. Thus, breastfeeding is utterly a boon for both the mom and the child. So, here Mommajustchill brings to you a short appreciation writeup that informs about breastfeeding benefits for all moms out there!

Breastfeeding Benefits for Moms-

Until now, we always have heard of breastfeeding benefits for babies. But, this process of nourishing gives immense health advantages for moms too. Know it here-

  • You’ll lose weight

You’ve probably heard this one before. While some women appear to gain weight while breastfeeding, others appear to lose weight simply.

Breastfeeding does increase calorie burn. According to studies, after three months of lactation, you will most likely see an increase in fat burning compared to non-lactating mothers. However, the change is insignificant.                                

  • Reduced Risk of Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression (PPD) is a kind of depression that can occur soon after giving birth. Breastfeeding mothers appear to be less likely to experience postpartum depression than mothers who wean early or do not breastfeed.

Those who have postpartum depression immediately after delivery, on the other hand, are more likely to have problems breastfeeding and to do so for a shorter period of time. Notify your doctor as soon as you discover any PPD symptoms.

  • Aids in Contracting of Uterus

During pregnancy, your uterus expands enormously, from the size of a pear to nearly occupying the entire space of your abdomen. Following delivery, your uterus undergoes a process known as involution, which allows it to recover to its original size. This process is aided by oxytocin, a hormone that rises during pregnancy.

During labor, your body secretes large levels of oxytocin to aid in the delivery of the baby and to decrease bleeding. It can also assist you in bonding with your new child. During breastfeeding, oxytocin levels rise as well. It encourages uterine narrowing and drops the flow of blood, permitting the uterus to mend to its original size.

Breastfeeding women have reduced blood loss after birth and faster uterine involution, according to studies.

  • Lowers the Risks of Diseases

Breastfeeding offers mothers a long-term life benefit as prevents major diseases attack the body. Primarily, it keeps postpartum depression at bay. While on the other hand, the advantages are farther down the road, as mentioned below-

  1. Ovarian Cancer
  2. Breast Cancer
  3. Thyroid Cancer
  4. High Blood Pressure
  5. Cardiovascular Diseases
  6. Endometrial Cancer
  7. Osteoporosis
  8. High Cholesterol
  9. Type 2 Diabetes
  10. Arthritis

To The Bottom Line-

Breastfeeding, birthing, conceiving, menstruation, and many more such biological phenomena are powers that escalate your value, Mom. You have done a lot and still accomplishing the best. So, MommaJustChill- you will do the best.

Happy World Breastfeeding Week ‘23

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