Incredible Facts About Breastfeeding to Make You Go Awestruck!

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Breastfeeding has always been a very controversial topic! Should you be doing it? Does it define motherhood? Why breastmilk for infants? 

Here’s the most unbiased guide on breastfeeding to help you grasp real knowledge on this topic. 

Breastfeeding is considered the most healthy start for your baby! While it is quite cost-effective, there are other reasons you must be doing it!

Breastfeeding is a challenging job.

For all women thinking about breastfeeding as an easy job, you must know that it is easy for new moms to pump enough milk. Especially at the beginning of breastfeeding, it is harder to pump enough milk. You must know it is a real-time struggle.

Breastfeeding lowers the risk of an infant’s illness.

Breastfeeding is a boon for babies. The process gives the babies a healthy boost and prevents them from common childhood illnesses, including respiratory infections, ear infections, and gastroenteritis. For preterm infants, breast milk reduces all risks and protects the baby from infection, necrotizing enterocolitis, and easy premature retinopathy. 

Breastmilk can have different colours.

Yes, it’s true! Breast milk isn’t necessarily while. It is also green, blue, yellow, orange, pink, and other colours depending on the diet and what the mother eats. 

However, don’t worry; it is suitable for babies and completely safe. 

The amount of breast milk has nothing to do with the breast size

The amount of breast milk a woman can produce isn’t dependent on the size of the breasts. Small-sized breasts can make enough (or more) milk than one contrary. 

Breastfeeding mothers are healthier.

Breastfeeding as a practice lowers the risk of ovarian cancer, breast cancer, stroke, heart disease, postpartum depression, type-2 diabetes, and more health problems in women. The longer a woman breastfeeds, the more protected she is from health risks. 

Breastmilk can make premature babies smarter.

Premature babies fed breastmilk in the first 28 days undergo better brain development till the time they reach the regular birth date. They are claimed to have better IQ and memory skills in the days of childhood. 

Breast milk is constantly changing.

Nature is so miraculous, and it keeps giving you evidence that everything is most naturally aligned with minute specifications. With the baby’s growing needs, breast milk also keeps changing, from week to week, month-to-month, day-to-day, and even after a single feeding.

Breast milk composition is unbelievable.

Breast milk is made up of live cells (living substances) and stem cells that go to develop into brain cells, kidney, heart, and bone tissues.

Breast Milk also contains live white blood cells and antibodies that help fight the infant against infections. When the mother and child are sick, these cells increase to combat illness.

The first breast milk, called Colostrum, has a special protein that helps coat the baby from the intestinal tract against malicious bacteria from the beginning. 

How miraculous!

Final Words

We have already stated a few facts, but there are so many other new chapters to explore. The deeper you dig, the most miraculous and astonishing it seems. Every woman breastfeeding is a life saviour!

The first week of August is celebrated as World’s Breastfeeding Week, and we must come together to celebrate and enlighten others with real Breastfeeding facts.

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