Are You A Daddy-To-Be? Here’s How You Can Prepare Yourself for Fatherhood!

by Ishwar Sharma

Modern times have called off the parenting taboo only limited to mommas or just motherhood. Indian men have now been an equal hand nowadays in marriages & even parenting, so times have transformed as men are becoming responsible as husbands & fathers. Now, that you have successfully onboarded the stage of being a supportive husband, fatherhood is the phase of testing you as a partner & a new father.

Well! If you are a second or third-time father now awaked of your role- then this guide will help you sort out your roles & responsibilities to fulfill as a father which indeed contributes to being a supportive partner. We know that you have been on a roller-coaster ride with your emotions lately. Indeed, here’s how you can settle down the mixed excitements by knowing these tips for preparing yourself for fatherhood.

Tips for Dads-to-be to Prepare for Fatherhood-

  • Shape your finances

The day you have got to know that you are soon going to be a dad, it is essential to start working on segmenting the finances. Certainly, welcoming the baby & nurturing a new life isn’t easy and of course, you have to be heavy with money. So, start preparing in advance with your wife and segregate your funds so that you don’t adjust giving the best to nourish the baby.

  • Research & read

Certainly, fatherhood is more of a responsibility thing as tags of husbands & fathers. Indeed, you have to fulfill two duties together- being a good partner & an amazing father, thus, researching about what is your role in the prenatal, childbirth, postpartum, and fatherhood phases is essential.

  • Be attentive towards your partner

Fatherhood doesn’t mean taking fatherly responsibilities after the child is born. Rather, it begins just like when motherhood starts. Indeed, you have to be focused enough to always be with your wife for her hospital visits, motion sickness, mood swings, pregnancy cravings, and each little step of each pregnancy & delivery stage.

  • Be prepared emotionally, physically, and mentally

Fatherhood isn’t just the responsibility of taking up finances or being available to your wife. Rather, it’s beyond that & also about making yourself available for yourself. Indeed, you have to prepare yourself to get drained emotionally, physically with energy, and mentally to do anything. But remember, this early parenting is just a phase & shall pass with ease whilst leaving a lot of memories with the little one.

  • Accept the changes

Becoming a father for the first will bring up many dynamics in your life & your life individually and together with your wife will change to a lot of extreme extents. In addition, you won’t get any or least quality time with your partner but remember your wife seeks you as her biggest support. So, being cooperative with yourself & your partner is the highest test to accomplish & never get tired even in the worst phases. So, always find little ways to spend time together with your partner and talk about things to sort & smoothen things.

FAQ about Fatherhood-

  1. Things to know as a first-time dad-

Being an amazing father starts with finding ways to share responsibility which indeed inclines you towards being a fantastic partner too. Certainly, when you start sharing roles & help out the new mommy in diaper changing, settling out mess, cooking, etc. you give out the best.

  • Are fathers important for child development?-

A father’s time contributes prominently to a child’s growth. Moreover, having a great bond with the baby since the infant stage builds an immensely secure bond with the father. It makes babies feel the warmth of both parents & experience a sense of security.

  • How much should a dad spend time with a child?-

Eventually, it’s a fact that dads generally spend less time with their children as compared to mommas. Also, there’s no fixed time frame to share with the baby however the maximum you are there with the child, the more enhanced bond you share with them.

  • How do first-time dads feel when they become a dad or are about to be one?-

First-dads have twist of fate with real anxiety as men is naturally supposed to be the bread-earner. They feel anxious about taking on a whole new responsibility & become more attentive towards earning. Moreover, if mothers are sharing the financial tasks then fathers are prominently concerned about becoming good fathers & always try to give the best possible to their little ones.

To The Bottom Line-

Being a father for the first time comes up with a wave of different emotions & roles to be played. Certainly, parenting & being a partner at the same time isn’t that easy as actual events are stressful in both stages. However, embracing fatherhood & watching the little life grow each day overwhelmes you to a lot boundless extent than imagined. Nothing comes easy & so are these phases- but you are going to be a great father and husband. Don’t give up no matter what.

Happy Fatherhood!

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