Checkout the New Style of Parenting- Positive Parenting Unlocked!

by admin

“The best inheritance parents can give to their children is their time each day”- a deep meaning instilled here identifies that children crave & wish for parent(s) time. Indeed, the time you invest in your kids makes them better humans. Certainly, parenting is just not limited to sending them to school, spending money on them, getting them the best clothes, etc. Rather, it is beyond just being a money vending machine & incorporates the term- Positive Parenting.

So, what is positive parenting? Well! There are no theories to parenting that can define doing things for your child a certain way. However, hopping onto some extended verticals that are too little to know but significant enough to lead up to massive changes. In addition, it starts as soon as the child starts communicating things to you. In fact, the biggest return of positive parenting is that it makes the child emotionally & psychologically strong enough to deal with things. So, here’s spilling the beans about positive parenting-

What is Positive Parenting?-

Just like being a parent isn’t limited to biological caregivers, positive parenting is too not restricted to them. In fact, to the roots parents can be anybody such as foster parents, guardians, elder siblings, etc. whosoever nurtures the child with the motive for the overall well-being of the child. Similarly, positive parenting is the whole sphere of caregivers & primarily biological parents.

Hence, positive parenting involves all other verticals such as guiding, teaching, empowering, nurturing, learning, communicating, consistency, emotional connection, security, openness, and much more. Undoubtedly, the biggest step towards positive parenting is adapting to non-violence & soft speaking.

Styles/Approaches/Types of Positive Parenting-

  • Supportive
  • Responsive/sensitive
  • Involved
  • Developmental

Benefits of Positive Parenting-

With the positive parenting approach, you are shaping the new human to manage even the most stressful situations gracefully. While there are numerous benefits but in a more compact series, positive parenting benefits children-

  • Increases self-esteem from an early age
  • Highly motivated & positive attitude toward the external environment
  • Enhanced cognitive development & social growth
  • Makes them goal-oriented & hardworking
  • Builds a better connection with parents
  • Makes them feel secure & always under the warmth
  • Resistance attitude towards negativity & bad peer interventions
  • Imparts cohesive attitude for life
  • Contributes to optimum mental health

When Should Parents Begin Positive Parenting? How Old the Child Must Be?-

When should parents begin positive parenting? – It should start with the child when he is just in your lap. Yes! You think that your little baby isn’t able to understand anything but the nut-sized brain has a lot of space to strongly grab the actions in front.

Long before they start speaking- they are capable to comprehend what you speak & connect to you emotionally. In fact, newborns & little babies absorb emotional tone faster from their parents & immediate guardians. So, there’s really not any age bar for babies for deciding parents to begin positive parenting.

Tips for Positive Parenting (0 to 1-year-olds)-

  • Read & sing to the infant as it boosts their brain development
  • Talk & respond in their ways as it enhances their vocals & hearing powers
  • Appreciate their little actions as it makes them feel they are important
  • Hug & cuddle as it makes them feel secure & warmth of love
  • Be attentive towards their security even when they play with toys
  • Always be positive as parent(s) as it builds a more loving environment for them

Tips for Positive Parenting (1 to 2-year-olds)-

  • Play games & activities that contribute to their social & cognitive development
  • Ensure introducing them to reading & identifying shapes, fruits names, etc.
  • Let them explore things around in the home but be attentive towards their security
  • Teach them the difference between rights & wrongs
  • Help them in their language development
  • Make sure they are heard well & not ignored
  • Always be positive as parent(s) as it builds a more loving environment for them

Tips for Positive Parenting (2 to 3-year-olds)-

  • Make a schedule for yourself to share ample time with them from now on
  • Help them study as they are now ready to enter kindergarten & preschool
  • Ensure hearing everything excitedly when they are back home after preschool
  • Teach them rhymes & incorporate activities that help them develop skills
  • Always be positive as parent(s) as it builds a more loving environment for them

To The Bottom Line-

Parenting in itself is a never-ending task & it’s ever-evolving. Positive Parenting involves being gentle to your kid & yourself too. In addition, it is essential to take care of your emotional, physical, and psychological well-being as parenting is exhausting at times. It can take up efforts your nerves & it might feel like you aren’t doing enough. But positive parenting means being optimistic about yourself as well. Remember you are their idols & they do what they see.

Happy Nurturing!

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