Mommas, You can give only when your glass is filled!

by admin

Your “You take it first” must change somewhere and at some points! Yes, mommas that’s to you.

Motherhood is a delight to the mother’s heart and also to the mother’s eyes. How much of you actually wants to give it away to your child is not a question, it’s evident! But, the question here is how much of you is willing to give it to yourself. 

It’s no secret that since the time you have encountered motherhood, you have never discovered this part of you that is so effortlessly giving in nature. But, while you live this phase of womanhood, you must not forget that you too exist.

The idea is to not forget yourself in the course of living the life of a mom, it is rather to discover a way where you consciously raise a life, and when we say ‘consciously’, we mean, you must know that you stand first!

No, you are not being selfish when you make yourself the priority, because you can give only when you have enough! But, what does praising and loving yourself look like?

After you have had it all, give your body the space it needs to heal!

Your body just went through so much in the course of motherhood, why not give it a chance to rebuild? Aren’t you being mean when avoiding this? 

Taking out some time from your day to breathe and relax wouldn’t harm your motherly side, but it would definitely help nourish the wounded corner of your body that kept up despite so much struggle.

Go, dress and have your me time!

Please don’t feel the guilt of dressing up, stepping out with friends, and having a gala time. How can a few hours of being you can make you selfish? Isn’t that called self love and balance?

When you are not happy, how will you give happiness to others? 

Spend time with your partner, that is also an important bond you need to work and keep cherishing. 

Those dinner dates, meeting up with friends, and having some time with just the two of you cannot be put to bay. You should always try and add more memories into your life. Relationships need time for discussion, despair, and also repair, when you don’t give time, there’s neither argument nor settlement, that is a blank space!

Start taking little steps towards work 

Do you miss working? For working moms, it’s hard staying out of work! But, don’t you think, you must take little steps towards getting back to your work life after a point in time after becoming a full-time mother. 

You must understand that if you are not taking the step towards your way of living, it’s hard to hear it from others. Also, you cannot expect anyone to think it for you when you can think and do it for yourself.

The stigma around moms to sacrifice and put themselves at the end needs to change. To make yourself capable of giving, you first need to become fulfilled. When your glass is empty, you cannot fill someone else’s. 

There’s no point of guilt in putting yourself first. To look after yourself is significant in making you capable of looking after your child and all others close to you. 

You are Mom, but also a woman, and that, you must not forget! For if you forget it, the rest of the world will hardly remember. 

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