Twins at Home? Here’s How to Take Care of Twins After Birth!

by admin

Yayyyy! The joy got multiplied as the twins have to be welcomed soon. Now, here comes two emotions together after hearing about twins- Happiness and Confusion. No doubt, the news of twin babies would have made you land up, apprehending a lot of questions. Well! The state of bewilderment with the “Get one free” offer is entirely definite to happen.

Undoubtedly, the vision for an improvised life coming ahead would seem hectic but MommaJustChill! You are capable enough of carrying & nourishing two budding lives and we’ve got your back. Here’s to strip off your worries through these top tips about how to take care of twins together after birth.

How to Take Care of Newborn Twins Alone?-

Fretting about the doubled responsibility? Take a Chill-Pill Mom! Well! It is difficult to raise twins especially if you are expecting your first pregnancy. Certainly, one of the most tedious tasks would be satisfying their unison wants. So, here are some guidelines that will ease your doubled nurturing process-

  1. Fix your schedule

Just going with the flow simply doesn’t apply to you here in parenting two kids. Certainly, planning a schedule for each responsibility with the kids. This will help you categorically plan the routines for both of them. To mention, be known of the fact that you have to feed, bathe, and do everything of them together. So, try inculcating habits from the prenatal of doing things for two.

  • Feeding might be a task

You may opt for feeding the two at the same time or one by one. Certainly, for the question of how to take care of twin babies together, the toughest task is to feed and bathe. While there is a way you can feed them in a row or together through the “football hold” position. Now, when you choose the alternate it means that you need to feed one first, then let your partner handle & burp the baby. Further, followed by feeding the other one.

  • Bath times to be considered

For a couple of days immediately after birth, it is easier for you to bathe the newborns. As infants initially don’t need a proper water bath for quite some days. Rather, they are good with sponge baths at first. However, as soon as they grow up you should take them one by one. One of the finest twin baby hacks is to engage one child with somebody at home while taking care of the other one.

  • Make them Sleep in the same cot

So, raising twins at home isn’t that easy when it comes to their sleep schedules. Certainly, at the first setup, it might be rough to cope with their variable sleep cycles. However, as they grow up you can develop a habit of napping together in the same cot. Now, this will help them bond with each other more comprehensively. In addition, this process will allow you to have ample time to complete chores when both babies sleep.

  • Arm yourself with the right accessories

Nurturing two kids at a time is double of the responsibility, work, tiredness, tension, finances, and many other spheres. However, at times some things can be utilized for both, making it slightly easy for you to manage them. So, changing tables, cribs, bathtubs, activity mats, dry sheets, toys, etc. are some things to balance with one. While accessories like swings or car seats will be required to be purchased on individual needs.

Some Extra Tips to Note-

  • Always take somebody’s help as two kids need double supervision
  • Bottlefeed them together
  • Use every accessory by reading the directions for use first
  • Use an infant cushion
  • Daddy should also be on duty
  • Be right on your diet & nutrition as you will have to work quicker
  • Organize the things

To The Bottom Line-

We know carrying two little lives isn’t that easier to go with during the whole prenatal & quite a few years after childbirth. So, the above-mentioned guidelines will help you out for sure. Mommas, you are born heroes and capable enough to hold things- because you are born a special way. So, don’t be afraid- parenting is just isn’t about fostering a kid- it’s about nurturing the new birth you’ve taken lately.

Happy Twi-nourishing!

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