How to Wean Off Breastfeeding at 6 and 12 Months

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Now, that your baby is stepping into toddlerhood- there would be something striking your thoughts for sure. How do wean off my breastfeeding baby at 6 and 12 months? – This has been a common worry of moms in India. Undeniably, for mothers, feeding their children is like a blessing and self-rewarding. And there’s no doubt that giving birth to a child is said to be reborn of a mother.

But, now their growth cues ask for the right development push that will be guiding their health to move the right way. While only their progression process solely might not be the reason to wean off. Indeed, there are other multiple reasons for stopping breastfeeding the baby. Interested to know about the nods? Come and have a thorough tour of this article and MommaJustChill!

What is The Right Time to Wean-Off Breastfeeding?-

The analyses show that often mothers quit or have the willingness to quit primarily for their insufficient milk supply. But, what are the other reasons? Do we know all of that? – Let’s unveil the possible reasons here-

  • Insufficient milk supply
  • Return to work
  • Lack of support
  • Health Issues (blocked ducts)
  • Pumping isn’t working well as an option
  • Started with purees & solids, etc.

How to Stop Breastfeeding? – Tips to Wean-Off Breastfeeding Babies-

No doubt, every baby adapts differently & reacts in their own way to the introduction of bottles/cups. Breastfeeding is a process that connects the new life with the mother. It forms an exceptionally close bond between the two.

Thus, it delivers a lot of exhaustion to mothers while at the same time demanding adaption efforts from the babies. Truly, this feeding transition phase isn’t as easy as somebody tells it to be. Therefore, it can consume days and months to help a child wean-off breastfeeding. So, here’s how to help babies quit breastfeeding-

  • Look for prompts of dropping breastfeeding your child has been giving

If your baby has entered the stage for solids and purees- then they are ready for weaning off breast milk. Indeed, the actions such as sitting with support, liking to eat your food, losing on lively tongue-thrust flex, and acting variedly during nursing. Thus, these are signs that give you an indication of moving on to the next step of nourishment.

  • Start slowly to tape off the little mouth from breastfeeding

How do wean off a baby who loves nursing? – This has been a prominent problem for moms. You can’t directly push off the baby who is connected through nursing. Indeed, it is important to gradually make them comfortable with not feeding like usual. Certainly, you can start by omitting one nursing session, likely during the daytime. As night nursing sessions might not be that easier to quit suddenly.

  • Support emotionally to back the bond with you

Breastfeeding and weaning a baby enhances the bond between the child and the mother. No doubt, the physical contact that nursing gives the child, has a comforting effect. Indeed, it makes them feel secure and safe which creates an immensely strong bond. So, when you start putting-off nursing times- one by one, you have to give them the same shield through alternates. Thus, you can either do reading or cuddle with them to stimulate their senses emotionally. Certainly, actions like these help little ones remain attached to their mom.

  • Be adaptive to resistance that your child shows

When you start with bottles or cups for babies and want them to put off breastfeeding- they will show tantrums. Certainly, the little one will take time to adjust to the new modes of feeding. Of course, resistance to grabbing the untouched flavors is definite. And evidently, they will turn cranky and might throw tantrums rigidly. But, Momma- you are a Star!

  • Little ones are ready and set to lead

Some babies are born smart & intelligent, thus leading up to cooperating with their mothers. So, if your child isn’t asking you to nurse then just be calm and don’t initiate it by your side. It is a tried and true thing that if they aren’t insisting- then be gentle to yourself. Thus, actions like these will back you with easy ways to start on other feeding methods.

To The Bottom Line-

It really isn’t that easy to wean off a breastfeeding baby. Thus, be gentle to the baby and yourself as well. Mommas, you are really doing a good job and indeed will do great ahead.

Happy Feeding!

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