Any deviation in the newborn’s schedule triggers the new parent inside you & all you begin to do is worry. Why is my baby sleeping too much? – The most wondered question of parents when their new-born starts giving them a little more calm sleep sessions consecutively. Well! The baby sleeping cues at times might confuse parents for a lot of things & their sleeping timetables are one of them. You never know when they would want to have a long nap & when they would take a short cat nap. Certainly, they are just currently adjusting to the environment outside the womb. So, here’s what to know about sleeping plans for your little one.
How much sleep your baby needs actually?-
Your little one is just trying to adjust to the surroundings outside the warmth he/she experienced inside the womb. Moreover, they have a little tummy that fills in just too fast, making them just wake up for a couple of hours during the whole day. Certainly, a baby until four to five months sleeps approximately 15-17 hours a day. But, it alters when they touch or are about to turn years old & they tend to sleep for about 12- 14 hours a day.
When to wake up a baby?-
The standard time for a baby’s sleep differs according to their natural growth & development cues. However, a baby should generally sleep for about 3-4 hours & be awakened for feeding at this interval. In addition. A newborn who’s just fed on breast milk should wake up at a period of 2-3 hours while it may shift 3-4 hours for a formula-fed child. But the fact cannot be undermined that every child is different from the other & so are their growth and birth schedules. Indeed, sleep time for each may differ.
TIP– If you sense something not good or unsatisfactory with the child’s sleeping schedule then immediately consult a pediatrician. Also, in case of any changes in the body for any kind of issue or problem they might need medical help. So, when doubtful- surely go ahead with the doctor’s advice.
Top Reasons Why Your Newborn is Sleeping Too Much?-
The most common apprehension of mothers about their sleepy babies is when to start worrying about their periods of sleep. In addition, sleeping in babies develops their brains, boosts neural growth, encourages behavioral formation, etc. which indeed is important for them. Well! There are naturally many possible reasons which will be shared below but taking experts’ advice in doubtful situations is the best choice.
- Growth spurts
Babies grow significantly when they are asleep & their brain produces HGH (human growth hormone). Indeed, their long naps might be inclining toward growth spurts.
- Low blood sugar
If your baby is sleeping too much & is lethargic too at the same time, then they might be low on their blood sugar levels. Visiting a doctor will help you get the right suggestion on this.
- Illness or health conditions
Your baby might not be giving signs of their depleting health conditions but will have an exhausting health condition. Certainly, if you notice any change in their health & realize they are facing issues then taking medical help is advisable.
- Infection or Illness
If your newborn baby is sleeping too much & not eating or feeding enough then these may be indicating that he/she is suffering any kind of infection or illness.
- Vaccination
If your baby has been recently vaccinated with any of the current needed ones, it may suffer a little drowsiness, mild fever, and lethargy. Certainly, vaccination at times has side effects & your child might be facing one, which is natural to happen.
- Insufficient feeds
If your baby isn’t latching enough of the breast milk or isn’t eating well then he/she will surely feel low on energy & will indeed sleep a lot.
- Lactating in the middle
One of the reasons why your baby is sleeping a lot might be you make them feed in between their periods of sleep. Indeed, let them have their average sound sleep & then feed them.
To The Bottom Line-
Why is my baby sleeping too much? How much should a baby sleep normally? – These are some definite questions you as a parent will experience. Well! Sleep promotes their development & if you notice something that isn’t giving a positive sign, then visiting the doctor to know the baby’s sleep cues is necessary.
Happy Nurturing!