Starting Exercise after Delivery? Here’s What Not to Do Immediately after Childbirth: 7 Top Tips

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Now that you’ve introduced the little life to the outside world, you’ll be all devoted to him/her. But, there are certain mommas who are aware of their health but not entirely. So, abiding by what not to do after childbirth is one of the crucial things to encounter for self. As the web spaces are filled with the facts about what-to-do but, what to prohibit is a not so talked about thing. So, here’s what you as a momma need to take care of while you have just entered the postpartum phase.

In addition, the postpartum stage is not only about just fighting stress & anxiety but also aligning to certain obligations for your body & mental health. Indeed, just like the prenatal phase, this time too is an important phase. And, neglecting your health completely will spoil your body in the long run. Hence, these are the ways to look into healing & focusing on the new life more enthusiastically.

7 Top Things for Mommas to Not Do after delivery-

  1. Taking care of your vagina

The immediate bleeding after delivering a baby is absolutely normal & natural to happen. But, you get restricted to certain product’s usage during this period of bleeding. Certainly, your vagina is still in the healing process & you have to cooperate with its natural physical curing time. So, using tampons or inserting menstrual cups can incorporate contact with bacteria & even lead to infections to some extent. In addition, taking the advice of your OB-Gynec is a must-to-do for any sort of doubtful situation or professional advice on things to do & avoid after giving birth.

  • Overdoing exercising & workouts

You would have gained a little too many pounds & would be dying to reduce the weight. Indeed, you would have started exercising & workouts from all the video tutorials on the web space. But, nothing should be overdone or correspondingly executed to your body’s physical limitations in the new maternity phase. Take suggestions from your doctor for sure before heading to any workout or physical exercise session as you have stitches or still healing from the physical exertions of delivery.

  • Overlooking/ignoring the pain

One of the prominent events in the postpartum stage is of ignoring pains. Certainly, you might take it up as a normal one but can lead up to health severities. Indeed unhealthful actions such as chest pain, breathing, pain in a particular area of the breast, foul-smell in discharge, high fever, etc. might extract your health to an extreme level. Despite, all the “happens usually” sayings by people around you- it is essential for you to have an expert’s consultation as a precaution is better than a cure.

  • Forgetting birth control & intimacy facts

Every pregnancy is different but there are certain things that are standard in every what-to-avoid in pregnancy situation. Certainly, there is a limitation to getting intimate with your partner after delivery. So, your doctor knows your case the best as they have been involved in your pregnancy since the start. Consequently, taking medical pieces of advice for having safe sex & right birth chances for the second or third time is essential. It is to keep in mind that your body will take time to get strengthened physically to get such pressures.

  • Seek social & emotional support

You are fighting the baby blues & postpartum consequences alone & it’s not your duty. In addition, your husband is and should be the support strength for you to battle against all the distresses you have been facing. Indeed, talk about your stress-causing situations & the problems you have been going through all the baby blues phase. Also, it is a proven fact that if you are curing yourself mentally- the build also responds the same way.

  • Don’t put anything in your mouth

You searched a lot of times about what to eat & what to avoid during pregnancy. Now that your baby is out of the womb- this doesn’t imply just eating blindly foods you have been missing out on. Indeed, with what mode of delivery you have been in & the complications are facing lately inclines to decide your meals after delivery. So, be watchful about your nutritional needs & careful about your intake. Taking the advice of your gynec or nutritionist is the optimal thing to do.

  • Avoid intake of smokes/drinks

You were strictly prohibited from smoking & drinking during the prenatal phase for the sake of the health of the baby. Now, it’s for yours as you might get incited to just smoke for once if you have a habit of doing that. So, even if it is you or your partner, smoking & drinking habits are not suitable and if you have the willingness to quit smoking/drinking, please go ahead. Certainly, you can take the help of your doctor in the process.


To The Bottom Line-

There are certain restrictions for every momma which will end up making you think- about what to avoid after a C-section or even if it’s a normal delivery. Certainly, abiding by the norms for your physical health & healing is essential. As, if not taken good care of now- then you might have to take these all till the long run. Also, don’t become the doctor yourself rather take the expert’s advice each time you are doubtful about any little thing!

Happy & Speedy Postpartum Healing!

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