How to start a mom journal: Prompts and Ideas!

by admin

Within all that you do as a mom, you ignore the person in you. Even, at times you don’t know that you’ve lost the connection with yourself. But, here’s a way out for our Momma to just chill with the help of a “MOM JOURNAL”.

But, how to start a mother journal?- the question which has juggled up your mind now. Don’t worry we are here to sort it out. But, before that, we recommend you prepare a hot coffee by your side to enjoy reading with every refreshing sip.  

What is a Mom Journal?-

Writing or drafting a journal is as close as talking to a friend who isn’t judging you. Indeed, you just pour out whatever is killing or even bothering you inside. So, it is basically what you pen down on a piece of paper and enclose it until the next time to share thoughts.

Benefits of starting a mom journal-

A mom’s life in itself is draining and rewarding at the same time. But, the part that drains you gives a major setback in the motherhood journey. Thus, drafting a mom journal really helps boost morale. Primarily, the benefits of starting a mom journal are-

  • Lowers Physical & Psychological Exhaustion

Writing down isn’t only limited to just penning words but it is also equivalent to de-stressing what’s eating you. Indeed, this activity rescues you from anxiety, overthinking, and unidentified mental pressure. While at the same time boosting memory, immune system, and healthy mental state.

  • Journalizing turns into enjoyment

You would never know when the “sharing factor” turns into enjoyment in a mother’s journal. Because, when you lose everything that’s been making things heavy inside you- it becomes easy to know who you are and what’s worth for you. So, you write your heart out.

  • Meeting Goals & Making Life Simpler

Journalizing makes it easy for all moms to set their goals. Whether a working mother or homemaker your life loses track when the role changes. Thus, starting a journal helps you segregate what needs to be done next and eases the planning.

Ideas and Prompts for Starting a Mother Journal-

  • How’s life lately?
  • The part of life you miss the most?
  • Describe a recent experience that made you feel proud of yourself
  • What do you like and dislike about being a mom?
  • Things you don’t like as of now
  • What are the primary things you wish to give your child for sure?
  • What is the one thing that makes you stronger every day?
  • What is the one thing that keeps you going?

To The Bottom Line-

Take a pen and a cute diary and start writing your heart out because that’s really much needed. It’s a simple process that when started implants calmness and positivity in life.

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