Here’s What You Need to Pack in the Hospital Bag!

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Pregnancy things are unpredictable & your delivery contractions are too much of it. Indeed, you would just never know when your water might break or you will have too much of recurring contractions that make you ready for delivery. You and your partner will be in a hurry to leave at that moment & everything that comes into your hands will be taken along. Now, that your baby is about to enter the world outside the womb, you will want everything perfectly settled for him/her. Certainly, you have set up the room at home so that when you are back home, the little room should be filled with each tiny necessity. But what about the necessities in the hospital for you & your newborn? Undoubtedly, you as a new momma would require hundreds of things unsaid & preparing everything in advance makes you get ready for it. Here’s what you will need in your maternity bag for sure!

What You Should Avoid Taking Along in the Hospital for Delivery?-

The reason we are telling you “WHAT NOT TO TAKE” in the beginning is that at times in conscious packing you unconsciously pack too much. Yes! In the maternity kit for the hospital bag, you might just stuff in too much which might create a mess for you. Thus, to avoid that unadjustable trouble in the hospital- here’s what you need to strictly prohibit taking along.

  • Don’t pack too much clothing for the little one. One of the biggest mistakes that new moms-to-be do is packing a lot of clothes for the newborn which at times messes up in the end.
  • Better safe than sorry- This has been a constant observation about mothers that they carry their jewelry or expensive ornaments along. For instance, your engagement ring, or the pendant, etc. you have been wearing should be left at home. During the labor time or delivery moment, you might be required to remove these & leading it all to get misplaced.
  • Amenities or little extra items for your new life. Certainly, the hospital will provide you in the package with all the diapers and stuff for the newborn so you don’t have to carry a pile alongside.

What to Use as the Maternity Hospital Bag?-

You must have got the update from the doctor about whether it’s a single pregnancy or twins. So, take up a good roomy bag that can take up your maternity stuff & even have space for the baby. Additionally, if you are expecting twins then you might have to pack 2 bags. Also, you will have some items added while returning so keeping that buffer space is important too.

What To Add In The Hospital Bag For Mom for Childbirth, Labor-Time, and After-Delivery? Hospital Bag Checklist-

  • A loose dressing gown: if you have entered or planned to enter the hospital prior so having a dressing gown is essential to pace out the labor.
  • Socks along with your slippers: It is a concern to take easy slippers or flip-flops along, not the ones strapped from the back side. Hence, you should not struggle to walk after or during labor. Further, you never know if you might feel cold on your feet even if that’s summer. So, packing socks never go wrong.
  • Insurance papers & pre-check-up files: don’t forget to pack all your files, test reports, and documents you have made throughout the prenatal phase. Also, those last-minute TPA issues can be exhausting so taking insurance papers and having a conversation prior with the consultant is a great thing.
  • Massage oil & lotions: a little hand massage or back massage from your partner is soothing- so don’t forget to make the best out of your unpaid serviceman.
  • Spray bottle: Your body might get heated up during contractions or you would want a cold breeze, so having a spray bottle will be your temporary makeshift for spraying cold water.
  • Heavy-Material Sanitary Essentials: It’s absolutely normal to bleed a lot more than usual after delivery. So packing up some extra heavy-material pads is necessary. No doubt, the hospital will provide you with some but having them on your own is beneficial.
  • Maternity undergarments & dresses: The mother care websites or even the e-comm platforms are filled with millions of options for maternity bras & gowns. Be easy on your clothes & take soft-material nursing bras for after-delivery needs.
  • Medicated vaginal & skin-soothing products: You might not know this but you will be uncomfortable with your vagina after delivery & if it’s a C-section- then with your tummy. So, take a prescription for these from your OB-Gynec so that you are not struggling with such irritations at the end.
  • Charger & Essentials: Pack your charger as you will require it to restore your phone’s battery. Moreover, taking up your earbuds & other such essentials will help you have a relaxed time, in any case.
  • Toiletries & skincare: Your skin might feel too dry so get your hands on some good lip balm, moisturizers, and skincare stuff. Don’t forget to take your toiletries essential & an extra bag to pack back the dirty & used stuff.

Hospital-Bag Checklist for New-born-

  • Diapers & essentials
  • Bodysuits & clothings
  • A blanket & soft towel for the baby
  • Bibs & wipes
  • Vests & thermal wears
  • Skincare items

What to pack for your husband/birth partner?-

  • Magazines & books
  • Clothes & toiletries essentials
  • Small pillow & blanket
  • Cash & cards
  • Some snacks
  • Chargers, phones, earbuds

To The Bottom Line-

In the race to not miss anything in the maternity bag for the hospital- you might get tired or drained out of energy. Thus, start a month prior to preparing the hospital bag for momma & baby so that you are thorough with everything. Also, if there’s anything you might miss then having apps installed that send quick delivery is one of the best alternatives.

Happy & Healthy Maternity!

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