Know Your Hydration Needs While Breastfeeding!

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Nourishing the little life gives immense happiness to you! At the same time, knowing your hydration needs while breastfeeding is essential too. Definitely, you must’ve heard this a number of times at home to increase water intake while breastfeeding. Elsewise, would have noticed feeling thirsty a lot while lactating.

As a nursing mom- it is highly crucial for you to stay well-satiated with water content. So, why are we stressing about staying hydrated? Absolutely it matters! Mommas, here’s a guide for you to clear your doubts about water intake during breastfeeding. Additionally, acquire information about what to drink and what to avoid while breastfeeding.

What Happens When You Don’t Drink Enough Water While Breastfeeding?-

Well, it might sound intuitive but actually your breast milk supply wanes if you are a water deficit. The reason that breast milk has 90% of water. Thus, a lactating mother’s body loses fluids which is why it is necessary to manage the fluid & water content in the building. So, to make up for the fluid loss it is suggested to always drink water appropriately by either setting a schedule or taking it in some other way.

How Much Water Should You Drink While Breastfeeding?-

Now the question arises of how much water to drink while breastfeeding. Certainly, increasing water intake doesn’t incline meaning drinking too much of the liquid. But, be assured of not to prepare body deficit in hydration. Indeed, just the right measurement of water is enough. So, finish approximately 3 liters of water for the appropriate breast milk supply. In addition, you can check the hydration inside the body by analyzing urine’s color and how frequently thirsty you are.

Else, you can complete drinking a full big cup of water each time your baby feeds in a day. As this is one of the best ways to increase water intake while breastfeeding.  

Signs That You Need to Increase Water Intake-

The human body is a masterpiece as it exhibits signs to indicate internal issues. Thus, here are some signs that lactating moms need to look for their water needs.

  • Dark yellow urine color
  • Dry or parched skin
  • Exhaustion & irritability
  • Dizziness & woozy feeling
  • Constipation

What Drinks to Avoid While Breastfeeding?-

You might not know but certain kinds of beverages can affect your breast milk supply severely. But, alcohol & caffeine intake disrupts the milk supply extremely. Moreover, it causes the body to lose its existing water content. As soon as your body is low on hydration it points out the indications to increase water intake.

Tips to Increase Water Intake While Breastfeeding-

As a nursing mom- your constant distress is to look out for ways to increase your breast milk supply & not turn fluid deficit. So here are tips to increase water intake while breastfeeding.

  • Constraint yourself from caffeine, alcohol, packed fruit juices, sugar, and soda primarily for decreasing excessive water absorption levels.
  • Set a goal or target to finish a certain defined amount of water in an established time. For instance, take up a jug and make aim to empty it by the first half. Then you can again fill it out and complete it by the other part of the day.
  • To add flavor or ease the gulping process, you can add some fresh slices of lime, cucumbers, and mint leaves. This will help add freshness and will act as detox water.
  • If you are going out anywhere or traveling in a day and wish to maintain the hydration capacity, then bottle on the go. Indeed, you can take a big water bottle to still upkeep on the goal.
  • Be mindful of your diet while breastfeeding. No doubt, this is an incredible way to push your water intake in the body. Therefore, try incorporating fruits & vegetables rich in water content. Further, you can add soup one time a day to increase the liquid content in your meals.

To The Bottom Line-

Whether you put a water reminder alarm or get an alert on some application- the water needs are required to be fulfilled. Breastfeeding is meant to nurture a beautiful bond between the newborn & the baby. Thus, it is a must to nourish the little one by being mindful of your own nourishments.

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