The Uneasy Wait for the Birth Hour!

by admin

Hey, mamma-to-be, how are you feeling? Excited, nervous, or a mix of both? 

We know the feeling is absolutely new, something like you couldn’t even think of before! Here’s when we have something for you,  a space where ends can meet!

Giving birth is not easy, but definitely something you’re bound to be grateful for! Women tend to store the unheard, unsung, and unrevealed pieces of love in a corner of the heart that gets a breakthrough when life starts to evolve inside. That’s when it starts to appear majestic! 

So, where are you on your pregnancy journey? Just got the good news, or it’s been a while, or you just about to give birth in a few days, or are you a new mamma? Wherever it is, here’s an attempt of putting the rare phase’s emotion into words! 

What do nine months look like from one end?

Never in the world could you believe that something could be so fast before experiencing these nine months. As in, the first month when nothing really happens to the second month when you’d find you’re pregnant to the third month when mood swings and health start to show up, to the fourth month when your belly starts growing out giving you a feeling that somebody just slides a grape-fruit inside, to the fifth month when the belly’s showing and everything’s getting tender to the sixth month when those little feet start to kick-off and you be like “Oh dang, that’s a better one” to that continuing for the next three months and then so many things happening that we’ll talk about!

But, how does it feel when it’s really close to the birth hour?

Pregnancy Journey

Oh, that’s a holy grail put inside a really hard-to-dig pit! Never in life could you imagine that the lost ability to walk miles turned into waddling micro trips to the washroom could be there and you wished for it! Nevertheless, some hardships bring the joy of having it and remind you of being part of a selective and blessed lot. But, it’s not easy, bringing life couldn’t be a piece of cake either!

The nine months feel slow, but can you believe, life evolves in the span of 28 weeks?

Like, you literally distance out point A and point B while trying to figure out the shortest route. Okay, that’s the distance from the washroom to your bed! Okay after you’ve given birth, you would be proudly stating the daggers of the birth hour and labor amongst your ‘still to become a mom’ friends! 

Water Breaking: Is it As Dramatic?

Nope, pretty lady! Dramas, movies, and television have been showing you the nostalgia of water breaking to be pretty intense, like a gush of water flowing through. But, it isn’t the same in real life. For some women, it’s just a few drops of water coming out.

Well, that’s an indication that your baby’s head will start putting pressure! But, it’s a meager day’s affair, it’s tough though! 

The Ball of Happiness Wrapped in The Bubble of Hardships and Struggle!

At stages, you might not want to tell yourself that it’s early, but maybe it’s not. The little tints of pain and discomfort are like a broadcast of occasions to come and what’s been weighing you through are the thoughts of ‘Can I Really Do This.” 

More often as you drive yourself closer to the birth hour the feeling of carrying your toddler around your middle screams on your back for some care, concern, or just attention. As you come closer to the moment, you barely want people to touch your belly.

Ultimately, all these concerns are loudly spelled as labor draggers to friends with the conclusion of joy that comes through. Significantly as you hold the life in your arms that evolved inside you, the pain, the trauma, the struggles feel worthed and worthed!

The only thing that keeps you strong through the uneasy hours before labor is the joy that’s to come, of having given birth to life, and that, dear ladies, is the most incredible moment of all that exists!  

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