Pregnancy does not look the same for every woman. Thousands and millions of women have had their own experiences with pregnancy.

For all expecting mothers or women who are planning pregnancy, it is important they learn different chapters of the book. It will enable you to keep track of and enhance your knowledge.
This blog is to educate all women about pregnancy and how different it looks to many women.
Eventually, we must accept that not every warrior had the same battlefield and the same war to fight! But that does not make any warrior any less a warrior.
With that, let’s look at five different kinds of pregnant women’s experiences:
#1. Intrauterine Pregnancy
This is the normal pregnancy wherein the fertilized embryo gets implanted in the uterus’s cavity, where the placenta supports the embryo’s development into a baby.
#2. Molar Pregnancy
In Molar pregnancy, the placenta and the embryo’s development is abnormal. In such a situation, the placenta tissue might convert into a tumor. It is of two types: complete and partial.
In a complete molar pregnancy, the placenta is formed abnormally without any embryo.
A partial molar pregnancy occurs when the placenta and embryo formation is abnormal.
In Molar pregnancies, the fertilized egg has an extra chromosome set. Such pregnancies result in miscarriage or abortion as the fetus cannot develop healthily.
#3. Tubal or Ectopic Pregnancy
There is a situation when the fertilized egg can get implanted outside the uterus’s cavity. The implantation space could be the abdomen or the uterus’s neck.
The embryo embeds in the fallopian tube, which then transfers to the uterus. This is the real cause of tubal pregnancy.
Tubal or Ectopic pregnancy is another unsafe pregnancy that can be troublesome for the child as well as the mother. Experts advise abortion if there is no natural miscarriage.
#4. Intra Abdominal Pregnancy
When the uterus gets implanted outside in the abdominal cavity outside the uterus, it is an Intra Abdominal pregnancy. The embryo gets implanted in the Fallopian tube or uterus first, but then, it slips or ruptures.
Sometimes, the C-section scar might weaken the tear and lead the fetus to slip into the abdominal cavity. Some cases of this type of pregnancy lead to the fetus not surviving. A hysterectomy after birth might be needed.
#5. Singlet Pregnancy
In Singlet Pregnancy, only one egg gets fertilized by a single sperm, and thus, one fetus develops.
This is no case of unsafe and risky pregnancy, but just a type!
What should you do after reading this guide?
First, don’t overthink! If you are planning to conceive or conceive, keep your calm. Go about the way you have been, but be informed.
Keep your check-ups regular and stay on track with the development of the fetus. Have a healthy diet and exercise routine as advised by experts.
Most importantly, remember to stay happy: Happiness is the real cause of great health.

We have five different kinds of pregnancy in Part 1. Part 2 of this blog shall feature the following five types of pregnancy.
Read this guide and then move to the next one if you want to know more!
And, not to forget, Momma Just Chill.