Will My Life Change After Pregnancy: Let’s Understand You!

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An abrupt reply to the title, Yes, it will! But are you just emphasizing the change or the kind of change you might encounter? Nah! Stop putting yourself there where it hurts and surrounds you with fear. Let’s change the narrative. Do you want to join us? Let’s do it!

It’s said a woman experiences three life cycles in one birth; the first is when she’s born out of her mother’s womb, the second is when she gets married and takes the responsibility of another family besides her, and the third is when she gives birth and becomes in-charge of a life coming from her! So at each phase, dear ladies, if you see, your life changes.

Is every change scary? Yes, at the initial point!

Does every change feel good? Yeah, after a point!

But that’s your life; you can either choose to live in the imagery of everything being a part of a struggle, or you can just accept it as a blessing and move on with love, plight, and honor. Luckily, the narrative is always yours.

 “The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before.”


From all mentioned above, yes, your life would change after pregnancy, but who says changes are always full of struggles? Of course, there’s a part full of struggles, but the joy that comes thereafter is unlike all others you might have experienced before!

As a woman, you are responsible for bringing happiness to so many! You face the struggles of carrying a child for nine long months, but all share the part of joy and happiness. That’s how you change everyone’s life!

What’s the Quarrel For?

“I am the one who goes through every struggle, every pain, but then why am I the only one whose life changes.”

Can you change the fact? No! 

As a mother, your life takes a huge turn, you change from all aspects, but your change brings joy to so many! You have been held responsible for it as part of the creation, which shall remain this way!

Can motherhood bring out the part of me I thought never existed?

Looking at something from a distance and being a part of it are two different scenarios. For example, before becoming a mother, you exist for yourself and your life, but once you step into that phase of life, everything you do concerns your child. That is when you discover there was this extremely selfless and giving part of you that you never knew existed.

If you are not yet a mother, you might not understand the joy of keeping another one’s needs before you, but once you do, that will give you pleasure! This is when motherhood becomes exquisite. –

So many emotional changes happen in the transitional period from a woman to a mother. Yet, very little remains the same, from shifting priorities to an increased sense of responsibility. 

Pregnancy changes most of you, but, dear ladies, it is one phase of life that brings ultimate joy. Before this, you wouldn’t understand that compromises and sacrifices could feel so good. Thus, it’s time to stay optimistic and strong to welcome life’s new phase with open arms.

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